OCR 2D Code Checking

OCR & 2D Code Checking on Pharmaceutical Packaging

ocr 2d code check

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is used to accurately check the characters on any label system. In the pharmaceutical industry it is imperative on packaging that the correct information is displayed and that all goods can be tracked & traced through each stage of the production process to the end user.


More Control Application

The customer required a vision system to check that the correct characters & 2D code had been applied to a pharmaceutical carton.

Utilising the Omron FZ Camera system, More Control fitted their production line to detect each product as it passed the Camera.

Loaded with the Flex Inspect Parma Software, More Control was able to achieve the CRF21 compliance required for pharmaceutical products.

The Omron FlexXpect Pharma is an ideal choice for customers requiring a cost effective automated inspection solution., allowing the system to be validated to the 21 CFR Part 1 Standard.


Omron FlexXpect Vision System

FlexXpect is simple to use and can be customised easily focusing on individual needs. With real colour sensing, high resolutions and intuitive user guidance the FlexXpect offers plenty of additional functionalities such as: (user administration / audit trail / configuration data / revision history).


The FlexXpect features an easy and intuitive user interface allowing inspection solutions to be set up quickly and efficiently. Built in touch screen interface and icon based menu structure ensures the complexity of programming a system is kept to a minimum. Built towards individual specific applications, different levels of product modifications are supported.

For more information on the Omron FZ Camera System & Omron Flex Inspect Parma Software contact More Control: on 0345 00 00 400

Automation Applications

Office Address 

21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400

Email: sales@more-control.com

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